H for Hope

Posted on Monday, July 17, 2006 by Patrick YC Lim
Hope is surely a good word. You have hope - Isn’t that encouraging? But I find that hope is just a prospect of waiting for the bright side of things to happen. I am sure Hope gives us the confidence that things can be better and it is just in a matter of time that it will. Hope is the holding onto the faith of what we believe in will come about.

When it comes to coaching, I cannot rely on hope. In this context, hope is only 50 % good. When my coach-ee hopes, I become suspicious about his commitment to his or her goal. Obviously, I too, hope that he or she might achieve the goal. But then again he/she might not. That’s the 50 % which is not good.

I hope to become successful.
I hope the government can give us more subsidies.
I hope you will pass the exam.
I hope to make so money.
I hope….etc.

Hope seem so passive. When a person hopes, although he may be doing something about it, his level of believe tells me not to expect too much, because it may not happen. It is not a conclusive yes. It’s just a hope. It’s kind of a comme se comme sa feeling. And you can’t exactly put a finger to which way it might go; going to happen or not? Hope. (I hope you've caught my drift).

In summary, let’s go back to the table.

Belief Levels

Level: HOPE
Doubt: 50 % doubtful. Not sure.
Faith: Not so much.
Passion: Not much
Commitment: On and off. Better than TRY.

Obviously, Hope is better than Try. But they are not good enough to get you to achieve your goals. I want you to move on to a higher level, to the B level. What’s the B level?

(To be continued)

(Mission: To enhance people’s lives so that they might improve their world. To help people Create Wealth).


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